Chrysomyxa . a, b. Ch. abietis on Picea abies: a. Twig with infected needles bearing cushion-like telia; b. Teliospore chains; c. Ch. empetri on Empetrum nigrum: secondary aeciospore; (a by Dan Aamlid, with permission; b, c from Klebahn 1914: 722).

  Part of: Zwetko P, Scheuer C, Krisai-Greilhuber I, Blanz P (2024) Rust fungi of Austria 1 (excluding Puccinia s.l. and Uromyces): Melampsoraceae and related families, Gymnosporangiaceae, Ochropsoraceae, Phragmidiaceae, Tranzscheliaceae, and Genera incertae sedis. Biosystematics and Ecology 3: e123592.